grow podcast viewership

5 Best Ways to Grow Your Podcast Viewership

Digital Marketing

Podcasts are a great way to show your talent to the audience with the hopes of entertainment and learning. It lets the host share valuable information or entertaining content with the subscribers and engage them in an interactive session. Before we move on to the ways you can increase your podcast viewership, visit Melona App to learn more about podcast recording software. By learning this type of technical stuff, you can improve the quality of your podcast.

Define the premise

There is abundant information available on the internet these days, and every topic has an audience. However, this does not mean that you should talk about every topic with the hopes of gaining an audience. Your podcast would get organic growth if you have a well-defined audience and talk about focused topics. Narrow down the scope so that the subscribers would have something to look forward to instead of listening to random topics.

Catchy and attractive intros

The intro of a podcast is very important. The listener makes up their mind to continue listening or to move on to another cast based on the first 15-20 seconds of the cast. You must give the viewers something that would keep them engaged with the podcast. Use attractive puns, grab the attention of the viewers with controversy and make them view the whole program to find out your opinion about a topic.

Connect with the listeners

Your viewers and listeners are like your loyal customers. Connect with them through comments and value their feedback. Help them with solutions and the right type of entertainment. Although one approach does not fit all the viewers, you should know exactly what the majority of the viewers want, and that is only possible with the right type of connection and interaction, which a lot of podcast hosts miss out on.

Set the goals right

The goals are going to keep you motivated to continue producing quality content. Gaining quick subscribers can be a goal but that might not be motivating enough. Providing people with quality content in a consistent manner is one goal that most the successful podcast hosts have.

Track your podcast matrices

Tracking the progress of the podcast is very important. It gives an idea about the quality of the content, what the viewers liked, what they did not like, and how the people interacted with the cast. By tracking these values, you would get a realistic idea of the expectations of the people and were to improve further.


Summing it up, understanding the reason why a podcast is not performing well is important, and the points mentioned above can help you grow subscribers. Consistency is the key, but it has to be in the right direction. Instead of just posting new videos and audio on the cast, the quality of the content and the topic should be well-thought and in line with what the audience is expecting. Don’t lose hope if you are not getting enough views; with the right knowledge and tools; the viewership can be increased exponentially.

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I am Marketing Manager at Digitalize Trends. My role is to research & ideate on trending topics & need to write the niche content as per industry norms. To help & provide relevant information to the community on trending technologies.

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