ai technologies

What is the Role of AI Technology in Rewriting Texts?


Rewriting paragraphs is a beneficial method that can be used to serve a variety of uses. There are two main approaches for rewriting i.e., manual or automated.

As far as the manual method goes, it essentially refers to the process of rewriting a piece where a writer studies the content and then makes changes accordingly. Since this method involves studying the content and then making changes to it, it can be a little time-taking.

On the other hand, in the automated method, an article rewriting tool is employed. These tools work on an automated algorithm to make changes to the given text such as replacing words with synonyms and altering the sentence structures etc.

AI (Artificial intelligence) is a key element in the automated writing. What exactly is it? That is what we’re going to be looking at in this post.

How Does Artificial Intelligence Help in Text Rewriting?

Before starting with our discussion, let’s first take a couple of sentences to clear up what rewriting actually is. So we won’t need to worry about resolving confusion in the future.

Paragraph rewriting, or text rewriting, is the process in which a piece of text is altered in order to look different while conveying the same meaning as its original form.

That’s pretty much it.

Now that we’re done with the above, let’s move on to look at how AI technology help and assist a paragraph rewriter to effectively do its job.

As we mentioned earlier, these tools are used for automated rewriting since they can make changes to the given text and present the altered version as a copy-able/downloadable file.

Now, let’s get back on track.

AI Helps Rewriting Tools in Understanding the Context

This is probably the main and biggest benefit that artificial intelligence provides to text rewrites.

By utilizing AI models like NLP and GPT-3, rewriting tools can understand the intention and meaning of the entered text so that they can later change it without diverging from the actual context.

This helps the rewriting tools not only to make proper changes to the text but also to realize the grammatical order of the content. In simple words, when the tool will understand the meaning of the context, it will know when an apparent grammatical discrepancy will be made for the sake of making a point or placing emphasis etc. Then, it won’t correct or point out these types of errors in the output.

AI Helps Rewriting Tools to Make Contextually-Correct Changes

This is something that we should have, could have and would have mentioned in the heading above, but we’ve separated it here for a reason. We’re actually trying to provide a thorough description of the topic we’re going to discuss.

So, after paragraph rewriting understands the context of the given text, it can move on to making such changes that resonate with it i.e., the context. Let’s take an example. Here is a sample sentence:

The jug was broken by the boy when he accidentally knocked it over on the table while he was spinning around with his eyes closed.

Now, in this long-winded sentence, there is a particular context. And whatever changes that the tool will have to make will need to be in conformity with this context. If, for example, the context is discarded, and the changes are made randomly, it could look something like this:

As you can see in the results section, the output is not very nice. The words ‘once damaged through’ don’t resonate with the context.

This is what you get with a tool that does not utilize high-end AI to rewrite text.

On the other hand, if we use a tool that comes equipped with proper AI algorithms for understanding the context and then making changes accordingly, this is the type of result that we can get:

paragraph writing

In the screenshot, note two things.

Firstly, while the changes are sparing, they are smart and accurate. And secondly, there was a grammatical error in the sentence i.e., the comma after the word ‘boy’. The tool automatically corrected it and highlighted the word to show it as well.

This is how AI technology helps rewriting tools. The whole process and the whole approach get vastly improved.

AI Can Help Rewriting Tools to Correct Grammatical/Spelling Errors

This is something that we did touch on in the first heading, but we’re going to elaborate on it now.

We mentioned above that by understanding the context of the entered text, the tool is able to understand the grammatical order and sequence of the content. This enables it to make corrections only where they are suitable and actually needed.


Artificial intelligence plays a pivotal role in enabling rewriting tools to make smart changes to the provided content. Without AI, the tool can wreck the sense and context of the content, and spoil it.
In the post above, we looked at a couple of different ways in which AI can help in rewriting text. Hope you learned a thing or two. That’s it for this one.

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I am Marketing Manager at Digitalize Trends. My role is to research & ideate on trending topics & need to write the niche content as per industry norms. To help & provide relevant information to the community on trending technologies.

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